Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Daisy

I like to bake and make fun, good-looking and great-tasting stuff but what I really like to do is give it away and see people enjoy it! Being it is just Andrew and I here in Vegas, I have been sending my baked goods off to work with him, always a bit unsure if they make it there UN-eaten...afterall giving Andrew food to DELIVER and NOT EAT is pretty much doomed from the start.
HOWEVER...I should have more faith in the boy because apparently he is delivering the goodies and while he still eats most of what he least he shares!!! So, you might wonder how I know he is actually sharing...well about a week ago he came home and said a co-worker needed a Birthday cake for her friend Daisy...she wants a fruit cake with daisies...I was immediately excited because I obviously love what I do but there was no way I could possibly make that cake in a week since my culinary classes leave me exhausted at the end of the day and I don't have much time in the morning...I told him sadly I couldn't do it!

Now here is what I learned from that conversation...I had brought him some baked goods from class and let him eat all he wanted while I was telling him there was no way I could make the cake in a few days...DO NOT TELL ANDREW IMPORTANT INFORMATION WHILE HE IS ENJOYING SWEATS....HE DOES NOT LISTEN!!! It may appear that he is listening and he is usually a great listener but in his massive sugar coma he completely "yessed" me to death and told his co-worker I would do it.

ANDREW: "Hey Babe, hows that daisy cake coming?"
ME: "Ummm, I don't know..where is it coming from?"
ANDREW: "Well, shouldn't you start making it?"
ME: "UMMMm...hell yea I should start making it...if I took the order."
(this went on for several minutes until I realized he can no longer be trusted to relay information) I had three days to bake, fill, decorate and package this cake and I certainly was not going to make it any less perfect than anything else i made. So... I made Andrew a list of everything I needed from the store, (made him pay for it of course) and told him not to come home until he got everything!! And I meant everything!

Ok so while he was gone, and I was at class I felt increasingly bad for being mean...he totally meant well and I couldn't blame him for the miscommunication..I did help induce the sugar coma that caused the problem.

So i decided to be nice to him again and I brought him more goodies as a Thank You for the thought (and the groceries) and I started to bake...I baked a yellow chiffon cake and filled it with delicious pastry cream, fresh whipped cream, strawberry puree (homemade of course) and fresh strawberries...So i had to bak the cake, make the pastry cream and strawberry puree and i needed to make the fondant for the daisies. That was Day 1.
Day2 I made the daisies...a million of them..ok maybe like 65 of them but it felt like a million!!
Day 3...assembly and deliver.
I brushed the daisies with luster dust and they looked like beautiful silk daisies..nothing at all like edible sugar...I just wish I took a picture of the cake before I decorated it so you can see how yummy it looked!!
Maybe I can get a picture of it sliced!!

But i do really like how it turned out..I was going for a rustic look of a bucket of daisies!

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